Our Story


In the Dance of Life: Or How To Kick Cancer Out The Door reveals our family’s personal journey of miraculous healing and victorious redemption.

Diagnosed in 2011 with two deadly blood cancers, Lymphoma and Leukemia, our son, Paul Henry, discovers his identity as a son of the King of Kings and a royal heir to the eternal kingdom of God. Through this supernatural experience, we learned to move each day in God’s authority, in step with Heaven.

During a time of prayer, a dear friend heard the words “jump start” while reflecting on In the Dance Of Life. God showed her a vision of battery cables and an AED heart symbol. AED stands for an automated external defibrillator, a portable electronic device that can diagnose life-threatening cardiac arrhythmias. With the application of a defibrillator, this electrical therapy allows the heart to re-establish an effective life-saving rhythm.

We meditated on our friend’s revelations from God the next day. God clearly revealed to us His compassionate desire to “Jump Start” every heart reading our book, restoring Life-Saving Heavenly Rhythm! We discovered God’s power of grace, mercy and love.

As you come along on Paul Henry’s healing journey, God promises to set your heart Aflame with His Mighty Flames of Fire. Discover how to step out boldly into your own royal status and personal inheritance as a son or daughter of God.

Begin to dream and hope again.

>> Read an Excerpt from



Lymphoma tumor as seen in CAT Scan view
from overhead on 5-22-11


God dissolved the tumor by the scheduled biopsy
on 6-3-11…twelve days after diagnosis!